What digitalization tools for your business in Reunion?

Digitization , or “digital transformation” should be your concern, your common thread this year . Why ? Because the stakes are immense and because the consumer has changed the way they buy in B2C, as in B2B. All sectors are concerned and companies are gradually getting started.

Too raw? Too direct? Tell yourself that your competitors have surely been working on it for months and that the deployment of their strategy will certainly take you by surprise.

Many think " tools " before thinking " vision , method,   fashionbeautypalace  objectives , need and use ". Selecting a tool without a strategy beforehand just because your competition is using it is not a key success factor on its own.

If you are already one of the convinced and  techgeeksblogger  want to spend the second without too many hitches, you will find in this article some tools to consider for a successful digitalization in Reunion . All companies today evolve in a digital world but are not necessarily digitalized  : the Internet is a complex ecosystem that goes well beyond the isolated and not updated website that we knew in the early 2000s.

Information circulates between websites ,   triotechdigital   mobile applications , information portals and is relayed by social networks, television, connected objects. Including in Reunion!

Beyond the term that may sound “ trendy ”, digitization is a mandatory step to take if you want to continue to exist within 5 years in markets that have become more and more demanding.

Let's see below the digitalization tools for your company according to the objectives pursued:

Tools to boost your marketing and sales strategy

On the first step of the podium of the objectives   computertechreviews  of the leaders, we find without big surprise: the maintenance and the growth of their activity. As we have discussed many times, the consumption habits of your customers have gone digital. Your points of contact should be too.

To optimize the management of your customer relationship, set up a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool

Most CRM solutions (Customer Relatioship Management)   gethealthandbeauty   that you have certainly heard of (Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Hubspot, Sugar CRM, Odoo, Dolibarr and so on) will allow you to have real-time access, from your computer, tablet or smartphone to:

             contact details of your contacts

             business opportunities being

             current invoices

             reports and graphics of all kinds

             performance of your sales force

             latest interactions with your prospects (email, call, chat, social networks, visits to your website).

Limit the paper supports (Nicolas Hulot in addition will be grateful to you), they make you waste a considerable time! Finished

             spreadsheets with multiple versions, not up to date isolated on your employees' computers

             contact details from a post-it note that flew into the open space, or on the back of a napkin that you accidentally threw away. 

This is what all CEOs, sales directors, marketing directors want, and yet only 16% of Reunionese companies have it, compared to 27% in France.

It is time to take action, especially since most solutions are available in the cloud, such as SaaS (software as a service).

Automate your communications by implementing a Marketing Automation tool

If your CRM does not offer you an integrated solution, you can equip yourself with a Marketing Automation solution , a device that allows you to automate your online marketing campaigns. Why ?

             to target and personalize your communications (segmentation)

             to automate your communications regarding the position of your prospects in your sales cycle (or conversion funnel )

             to pamper your customers by granting them loyalty advantages with regard to their last interactions with your brand

             to sends them the right message at the right time and in the right context

Multiply your sales by setting up connected / mobile sales tools

Your prospects, your customers consume digital, why your sales force, your advisers should park nicely behind their order book or their PC? Set up “connected” sales processes.

The different sales management solutions allow you to centralize the transactions of all your physical points of sale, e-commerce sites, distance selling.

So, if your activity requires it, opt for a multi-platform solution : sell, place your orders for example:

             using a point-of-sale computer,

             by smartphone or tablet when traveling with customers.

             or even by smartphone / tablet at the point of sale!

Sell where your customers are! Apple does this well in its apple stores and it saves you time, you buyer. Why not replicate what works?  

The tools to optimize and secure your business processes

You have no visibility on the project progress of your teams? It takes your employees a week to validate a creation subcontracted by your communication agency? Do you want to set up a powerful tool in a few days?

Opt for cloud solutions, leaders in their markets

Save yourself a lot of migraines and agree to outsource . This will allow you to free yourself from all the nonsense of IT maintenance, upgrading, securing your data, and recruiting qualified personnel to take care of it.

Why choose cloud / Saas (Software As A Service) solutions?

             your versions are upgradeable: constantly up to date with market technologies

             no more computer maintenance at home (it is included in the license)

             the majority of these solutions can be used on PC, MAC, iOS, Android ...

             the cost of installation / configuration is contained (possibly provide support)

             the billing is more flexible (always advisable to get to the irrefutable argument): the amount of your subscription depends on your consumption.

             many specialized companies can outsource the management of these tools

             the security measures are much more advanced in professional data centers that you (backup servers, encryption ...).

             work remotely thanks to the mobile applications of these solutions

             organize your meetings in two clicks

Office automation

             Microsoft Office 365 is today a cloud solution. Who among you doesn't use Excel , Word , Powerpoint or Outlook?

             Google has released its Google Docs (Word equ.) / Sheets (Excel equ.) Suite , and it's free .


             Adobe Photoshop and the other software in the Adobe suite are now Cloud solutions and your graphic designer or communication agency necessarily uses it for your creations.

Set up collaborative tools / project management tools

Why ?

             Internally, your teams waste a tremendous amount of time communicating via a multitude of different tools and supports: you lose efficiency.

             The response times from your suppliers are too long

             You can't respond to a lead on time, and the lead was used by the competitor

             It is impossible for you to agree on a date for a physical appointment? Host a video conference

Free tools like Trello (project management) or Slack (chat, and discussion groups) allow you to interact directly with your contacts and avoid 4 hours of waiting between each email.

The tools to train your employees

Your employees would like to improve their skills but it is impossible for them to take advantage of their personal training account (CPF) because no organization offers THE desired training on Reunion Island . You therefore have two choices: send them to mainland France, or offer them to take courses, certifications at a distance . Some are even free.


MOOC: massive open online course

Or FLOT (Online Training Open to All): “trainees” can freely follow the training courses that interest them, from home in their free time, or at your premises. At the end of certain training courses, a certificate may even be issued.

Indispensable for updating or establishing a digital culture in the organization .

COOC: Corporate Online Open Course: Online courses provided by a Company

Less “individuals” oriented but more “business oriented:

             The courses are aimed here at employees , potential candidates and even suppliers.

             The teacher is replaced here by a professional expert in his field

             These courses, which promote collaboration between learners , combine theory and practice

You can go through organizations like:


             FUN (France Université Numérique) , an initiative launched by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation

             Coursera , a platform driven by Stanford University

             edX , driven by Harvard and MIT

The tools to address your prospects / customers

We've saved the best for last: your customer , who should normally be your reason for living, or failing that, your reason for existing in your market . Your sales will therefore be strongly linked to your visibility in your market, and therefore to your ability to publish:

An efficient website

Your website must become a real vector of turnover (and no, we are not talking about e-commerce here). This must be:

             responsive : suitable for all screens (the smartphone is now the first medium used to connect to the internet).

             accessible and ergonomic ( if the Internet user does not find what he is looking for “quickly”, he will leave )

             and well optimized for natural referencing

Your website is one of the pillars of your Inbound Marketing strategy, don't neglect it.

 A blog

Your website, simply a showcase or e-commerce, is not a blog and it is preferable that it stay that way. He is the representative of your brand on the web.

Your blog, on the other hand, offers your audience the various articles , guides , white papers responding to their issues . He is, in a way, your megaphone. It is also less formal and updated regularly ...

A Facebook account

Being the first media Reunion with over 500,000 users , Facebook is also the ideal platform to promote your content   in order to ' attract your prospects  to convert into customers.

A social selling approach on Linkedin

Linkedin and its 610 million members,   including 120,000 in Reunion Island (1 professional in 2), is an essential tool for your salespeople and must be part of their habits  :

             to prospect

             share of interesting content for their target

             to advance prospects

             to build an expert image (notoriety)

             to have influence

             to sell and build loyalty

A mobile application

Warm in the pocket or handbag of your persona, the smartphone is the medium of choice to talk to him / her. Depending on your activity, it would therefore be appropriate to set up a mobile application. Thanks to this, you will be able for example:

             offer a customer area

             their push notifications on your latest promotions.

             offer a contact form , or a “where to find us”.

If you have finally come to accept that consumers have  changed their purchasing behavior in B2B as well as B2C, you are ready to begin the digitalization of your business to meet their expectations.